Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by the Winton Shire Council.
All information and documents accessible via the Winton Shire Council publication scheme are provided free of charge.
Some of the documents on this site are currently only available in PDF format. Should you be unable to read these documents please contact us and we will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternative format of the document.
Information has been grouped into the following seven information classes:
Who we are and what we do
Our Annual Report is a good starting point for finding a range of information about how Winton Shire Council operates.
Council's role in Government
Winton Shire Council is a Local Government Council - part of the third or lowest level of Government in Australia, often seen as being the most accessible to the pople.
Mayor & Councillors
Winton currently has 6 Councillors, each with their own portfolio, including the Mayor.
Local Government Elections
The Queensland State Governement has legislated that the Electoral Commission of Queensland conduct all Council Elections.
Council's Organisational Structure
Our organisational structure is decided by Council. Council administration is responsible to the Winton Shire Council Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Thomas Upton.
Laws and Regulations
The Winton Shire Council is responsible for ensuring state and local government laws and regulations are observed.
Contact Council
You can contact Council via phone, online form, mail, email, or in person.
Information about the services we deliver, inlcuding advice and guidance, publications and newsletters, and media releases.
Council's responsibilities
Council has specific responsibilities to the community, but there are also limitations on these areas of responsibility or influence.
Council Services
A general list of products and services provided by Council.
Council Facilities
A list of recreational facilities provided by Council.
Council Publications
Council publications include Council reports, meeting minutes, polices and procedures.
Council news and media releases
A list of Council's news items and annoucements, as well as road condition updates.
What we spend and how we spend it
Our Budget
Each year Winton Shire Council determines a schedule of programs, services, and projects to be undertaken in the coming year. A big part of the budget process looks at what needs to be done, and what can be achieved.
Council's fees & charges
Council's schedule of fees and charges is adopted each year as part of its annual budget.
Tender Listing
A list of tenders required by council.
Information about what our priorities are and how we are doing
Winton Shire Council's Corporate Plan
The Corporate Plan is our key strategic plan and provides Council with a mechanism for delivering its vision. It guides us to plan and deliver the many and varied tasks we intend to carry out over 2012-2017. These actions also form the basis of our annual Operational Plan and budget.
Winton Shire Council's Operational Plan
The Operational Plan supports the Corporate Plan in the delivery of the planned activity and budget. The Operational Plan is delivered ahead of the annual budget and contributes to its development by being considered during budget discussions.
Council Strategies and Plans
Strategies and plans are a public statement of how Council intends to achieve a particular objective or set of objectives through a high level plan of action.
Information about how we make decisions
Council meetings and minutes
Council and committee meetings are open to the public. This information also includes a schedule for Council meetings.
Winton Shire Council Minutes & Agendas
You can access recent Council minutes and agendas online.
Winton Shire Council previous Minutes & Agendas
You can access previous years Council minutes and agendas online.
Information about our policies and procedures
Council Policies
If you require access to a particular Council policy which is not listed, please contact us or make a written request addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
Winton Shire Council
PO Box 288
Winton QLD 4735 -
Lists and registers
Council holds a number of public registers. Some we are required to hold by law and others relate to the function of Council of the laws that we administer. Although privacy and confidentiallity issues prevent disclosure of some information, other information may be accessed by the public at no cost or for a fee. You can ask for more information about our public registers by contacting Council.
Feedback & Complaints
You have the right to complain if information identified in our Publication Scheme is not available.
We value your comments and any feedback you provide will be used to make improvements to our Publication Scheme. You can contact Council at any time to provide feedback.